Welcome! I am Assistant Professor in LSE's International Relations Department. Before joining LSE, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Browne Center for International Politics at the University of Pennsylvania and taught at Wesleyan University as Visiting Assistant Professor. I received my Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University.
I study how value-based groups intervene in inter-state interactions over economic issues. My book project examines why certain left-wing activists support trade agreements in exchange for side deals and how policymakers make such commitments appear credible to activists. In a similar vein, my other current projects investigate the following questions: a) why some governments are more proactive in promoting global corporate norms, b) how new gender norms reshape public opinion on economic cooperation with an ally, and c) why some progressive activists support cooperation with an enemy during geopolitical rivalry.
My CV (last updated in January 2024) is available here.

Contact: B.Lee14 [at] lse [dot] ac [dot] uk
Address: Houghton Street, Centre Building 8.09, London WC2A 2AE